
Dennehy is a surname of Irish origin. The original form in Irish is Ó Duineachdha, meaning descendant of Duineachaidh, who was a chieftain who fought the Danes in Limerick in 934.[citation needed] The name may mean "humane", or may mean "man from the fairy hills".[according to whom?] Spelling variations include Denehy, Dennehey, Denehey, Danahy, Deniehy, and Denahy. The name may refer to:

  • Billy Dennehy (born 1987), Irish football player
  • Brian Dennehy (1938–2020), American actor
  • Daniel Deniehy (1828–1865), Australian writer and politician
  • Darren Dennehy (born 1988), Irish football player
  • Donnacha Dennehy (born 1970), Irish composer
  • Elizabeth Dennehy (born 1960), American actress
  • Joanna Dennehy, serial killer; see Peterborough ditch murders
  • John Dennehy (born 1940), Irish politician
  • Miah Dennehy (born 1950), Irish football player
  • Mick Dennehy (born 1950), American football player and coach
  • Ned Dennehy (born 1965), Irish actor
  • Peter Denahy (born 1972), Australian musician
  • Thomas Dennehy (1829–1915), British general
  • William Francis Dennehy (1853–1918), Irish writer


Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Dennehy.
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